5 Reasons Why You Should Have Plants in the Office

From overhauling the supply chain to using recyclable packaging materials, companies around the world are seeking new and innovative ways to go green, but they might be better off taking the ‘go green’ phrase more literally. Research says that adding natural elements not only makes an office look more attractive and appealing, it also leaves a significant impact on the productivity of employees.


So, if you’re considering redecorating your workplace, here are 5 reasons why you should consider making indoor plants a part of your office decor.

1. Plants can make your employees more productive

It’s a long proposed notion that adding plants to an office can make employees more productive; however, there was no scientific evidence to support this claim until recently when psychologists from Exeter University found that employees working in environments with just a few household plants are 15% more productive than employees working in lean environments. In addition to this, adding one plant per square meter also improves employees’ memory retention and work engagement.

2. Plants can make your employees more regular

Absenteeism is one of the most difficult problems to tackle at a workplace; however, what most HR managers and employers don’t realise is that the problem to it can be as simple as adding more indoor plants to the office.

Since offices are often located in closed spaces with poor ventilation and a lack of fresh air, employees suffer respiratory problems and other health issues which may compel them to take sick leave from work. Of course, concerned employers tend to get Commercial Indoor Air Quality Testing in the San Francisco Region and other parts of the world on a frequent basis and make the necessary changes for the well-being of their employees. However, adding plants to the office space also helps maintain the same.

In fact, adding plants not only improves the quality of air, but also reduces stress, making employees feel healthier and motivated to work. There are studies that suggest that introducing plants to an indoor environment can reduce absenteeism by 50%!

3. Plants can make your employees happier

In today’s workplace where employees are required to work for long hours, poor work-life balance and lack of spare time can lead to several health-related disorders, particularly depression, anxiety, and stress. One of the greatest benefits of adding plants to an office is that it reduces stress and negative mood state in office workers. A research published in ‘Nursery Papers’ suggests that employees working in offices decorated with indoor plants have a lower risk of developing different mood disorders, including stress, depression, anger, confusion, and fatigue.

4. Plants can make your employees more comfortable

Small businesses and offices that do not have a centralised air conditioning and ventilation system can maintain adequate humidity and temperature levels by adding more indoor plants to the workplace. Plants are known to create their own micro-climate and absorb excessive heat and moisture, thereby, making employees feel more comfortable.

5. Plants can make your employees more loyal

In today’s hyper competitive marketplace, businesses need to develop strategies to attract the best talent and retain their best people for as long as possible. It’s surprising to know that adding plants can make a space look more expensive, welcoming, and relaxed. Similarly, businesses are perceived as less positive by employees and clients in the absence of plants. In addition to this, job satisfaction surveys have found that individuals who work at offices with plants are generally more satisfied than those who work at offices with no plants.

To conclude, adding more plants to your office is a great idea as it not only helps you boost your employees’ productivity, focus, and job satisfaction, but also improves the aesthetics and visual appeal of your office.