The best time of year to buy almost anything

Like so many other things in life, with shopping – timing is everything. The average consumer spends far too much of their hard-earned cash on essentials and luxuries alike, because they haven’t cottoned on to one of the big savings opportunities of our time: seasonal pricing. We put all our efforts into trawling from shop to shop or website to website for the cheapest price on a item, when with a bit more planning (and a bit of inside information) we can get money off just by shopping at the right time of year.

The discount boffins who’ve done the legwork are able to tell us, for example, that the summer wedding season is best prepared for in the winter. December is the cheapest month for coffee machines, champagne and wedding dresses, so whether you’re thinking about gifts or it’s you that’ll be in the frock, plan ahead! Closer to the summer, if you’re still gift-hunting, you’ll find that cameras and TVs reach their lowest price points in May and June.

That said, there are some specific nodes on the calendar to look out for, too. Holidays, anomalies and promotional sales make up for some of the busiest and most competitive shopping days of the year. Steam sales are a big winner for gamers, May Day is good for summer gear, while Amazon Prime Day in July is good for… everything.

So as we usher in 2017, and bid good riddance to 2016, it’s worth taking the time to list some of the stuff you think you’re likely to buy over the next 12 months and create a shopping calendar to make the most of these peculiar discount patterns. A new infographic from Quid Corner makes it clear just how these patterns look, collecting both the month-by-month variations and a handy list of specific sale days into one must-have resource. Try it today, and save all year!

Courtesy of: QuickQuid