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Submit a Guest post to a leading Money Saving Blog

You have reached the submit a guest post page, so that must mean you want to send us a guest post about money saving right? Well, the good news is that we are open to guest bloggers at who want to share their views with us and our ever growing community!

So what can you write about?

Look at the homepage and read the recent posts. What kind of articles do you see? Do you like reading it? What it provides for you it will provide for others too.

We have an audicence of 5,000 unique visitors every month, there are others just like you who you can reach. Can you match the tone of the website? Can you match the style, the content length and the level of detail?

If you think you deliver on the above, then you’re almost there. The main obstacle to overcome is that in order to place an article on thedogsdeal.co.uk you need to be writing better content than we can.

The barometer of getting your articles published here is whether or not you can exceed the quality that we have on the site at the moment.

Generally speaking these are the subject areas that we are interested in:

– Generating a second income
– Finance Jargon Busting
– Deals and Discounts
– Saving Money with UK banks
– Energy Saving/Money saving

Check out the posts below to see an example of the quality that we require:

Surviving on the breadline
Free Cinema Tickets

Why you should be writing for us?

Your post will be published within 24 hours of it being submitted, You’ll get two links back to your site in the content or author bio, (these links are dofollow). You’ll get Exposure of your product/brand to a wider audience with over 5,000 unique visitors per month. What more could you ask for?

Guest Posting Terms

My website is filled entirely with new and original content – so if you are submitting anything that is duplicate, or has been used elsewhere before in whole or in part it will be rejected. So only original content please!

Article length isn’t that important but aim for around 300-1,000 The target audience is for the site (generally speaking) the Generation Y age group. So make sure that your content is aimed at this group. We have about 70% male readership, but we try to maintain a gender neutral approach to writing.

Read through the site before you submit to make sure that your topic hasn’t already been covered on thedogsdeal.co.uk in recent times.  We like articles like ‘How To..’ and ‘Ultimate Guides’ and ‘Top 10’s’ these are always are welcome. But I also value a lot high quality researched articles that provide a different view on established areas.

We encourage a relaxed tone, and accessible to the target audience. Clever humour is encouraged. Provide examples to illustrate your points. Lastly, personal experienced is really valued, personal anecdotes will help your article resonate with the readers!

Get started by filling in the form below:
