Know Thy Stuff: How expiration date awareness can save you a fortune

Wise household budgeting requires a little more engagement with the things we buy than perhaps you might be used to. You’re probably already exercising wise shopping practices, such as comparing prices on differently branded-versions of the same goods, or shopping around for different items at a variety of shops. But if you’ve already engaged with the basics of thrifty shopping, you may be ready for the next level: thrifty storage!

That doesn’t mean getting a bargain on shelving or on long-term self-storage space. That sort of thing can wait for level three (selling your unused junk instead of paying for storage solutions!). What we’re talking about here is working out the true life expectancy of the food, household and garage products on which you spend your hard-earned wages. Engaging with the stuff you own.

It works two ways. On the one hand, you don’t want to be throwing stuff out that is perfectly usable, just because you’re not sure if it’s still good. This applies primarily to food. There are plenty of preserves and grains which can last for years, if not indefinitely. Even fresh veg can last a lot longer than you may think, if stored correctly.

On the other hand, you don’t want to create a false economy by holding on to stuff that’s past its best, out of reluctance to pay out for replacements. This can include items such mattresses or even car airbags, which can wind up costing more in terms of your personal well-being (and doctor’s bills) if they no longer function as they should!

For an introduction into some of the most important and most surprising perishables in your house, check out this new infographic from Quid Corner. It’ll get you thinking twice about the things you keep around you at home – and deeper thought means greater savings.
